Visual Spaces
Here are some of Mukesh Parpiani’s selected pictures that depict diversity and harmony of the times captured through his lens. …[Read More]…
Visual Spaces
Here are some of Mukesh Parpiani’s selected pictures that depict diversity and harmony of the times captured through his lens. …[Read More]…
Between The Lines
Over the decades the remembered or imagined village as the ‘Other’ has become the forgettable village, the ‘Anti-self’. This rejection will cost narcissistic urban India dear, says Ashoak Upadhyay.…[Read in Full]…
Literary Trails
Isaac Babel’s story about the fraught entry of a frail, bespectacled intellectual into the closed, violent world of soldiers. Will the pressure to be a ‘man’ allow him to retain his identity? …[Read in Full]…
Personal Notes
Nandita Dinesh reflects on her experiences with immersive theatre in conflict zones around the world—Guatemala, Kashmir, Rwanda. Her Introduction sets the tone for journeys to confluences of art and conflict.…[Read in Full]…
Visual Spaces
Painter, poet, art historian and teacher Gulam Mohammed Sheikh , converses with the world, its heritage of the real and imaginary the famous and the fabulous to create an Indic art. …[Read in Full]…
That’s Life!!!
Numbers, numbers and more numbers from around the world! Who said numbers don’t tell stories? Anoop Babani’s jaw-dropping indices illustrate the way we live and the way we should not. …[Read in Full]…