Ronojoy Sircar
on a possible critique of silence
it’s been a while, since we walked together. the roundness of the sky , the turn of your head, as we walk. is there something else to be found at the edges of the corner of your eyes, as you pass through?
wetness, earth, the wind blows around my ears to warn of oncoming cars, as it starts to pour, adding rhythms, filling the silences with notes of wetness, earth.
the moon. bite. can taste its lightness, the flight of witnesses, creating maps out of thin air, letters out of wisps.
Flapping of wings. settle, unsettle, ruffle, settle. flitflitflitflitflitflitflitflitflitflit
is there something else to be found at the edges of the corner of your eyes, as you pass through?
Ronojoy Sircar is a writer, photographer, film-maker, and musician (R#onbus & Three Hrs) from New Delhi. Formerly a lecturer in the Department of English, University of Delhi, he works within/without multiple disciplines. Notable works include: Notice, Period, a book of poetry compiling twelve years of poetic work, published by the Sahitya Akademi (the National Academy of Letters); Remember, Repeat, Inhabit: A Study of Antonin Artaud, Krzysztof Kieslowski and Nikhil Chopra, a socio-philosophical attempt at exploring whether spaces can speak for themselves, published by Bloomsbury; and Waiting Time, an EP released under the moniker R#onbus,which is available on all streaming platforms.
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