Land Ownership | |
Percentage of Dalit households in India who are landless | 57 |
Percentage of Muslim households in India who are landless | 52 |
Percentage of Dalit-owned land that has no irrigation facility and is of poor quality | 58 |
Percentage of women-headed households in India who are landless | 57 |
Percentage of rural land in India that is owned by Hindu households | 89 |
Percentage of rural land in India that is owned by Muslim and Christian households | 5 & 2 |
Development & Displacement | |
Estimated number of Indians who have displaced due to development projects in last 50 years, in million | 50 |
Percentage of displaced people that are tribals | 50 |
Educational Imbalances | |
Percentage of teachers in institutions of higher education who are upper caste Hindus | 63 |
Percentage of teachers in institutions of higher education who are SCs/STs | 9 |
Percentage of teachers in institutions of higher education who are Muslims | 3 |
Percentage of students enrolled in institutions of higher education who are SCs/STs | 17 |
Percentage of students enrolled in institutions of higher education who are Muslims | 4 |
Prisoners’ Plight | |
Percentage of all under-trial prisoners who hail from SC, ST or OBC backgrounds | 66 |
Percentage of all under-trial prisoners who are Muslims | 21 |
Police and Minorities
(Please note that since last two years, the government has stopped giving data/figures on Muslims in Indian police force) |
Proportion of India’s police force that is constituted by scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, in per cent | 17 |
Proportion of India’s police force that is constituted by Muslims, in per cent | 6 |
Chances that Muslims regard civil police as their enemy during communal riots | 97 in 100 |
Chances that Hindus regard civil police as their enemy during communal riots | 29 in 100 |
Glass Ceiling | |
Share of Muslims among directors/top executives of BSE-500 companies, in per cent | 2.7 (62 out of 2,324) |
Share of Muslims in total remuneration received by directors/top executives of BSE-500 companies, in per cent | 3.1 (Rs 63 cr out of Rs 1,994 cr) |
Proportion of Lok Sabha members in 1980 who were Muslims, in per cent | 9 |
Proportion of Lok Sabha members currently who are Muslims, in per cent | 4 |
Religious Hostilities | |
Rank of India among top 10 countries ‘with very high social hostilities involving religion’ | 4 |
Rank of Pakistan among top 10 countries ‘with very high social hostilities involving religion’ | 10 |
Compiled by Anoop Babani.
SOURCES: 1,2,3 & 4 India Exclusion Report 2016, Centre for Equity Studies, New Delhi 5&6 Land and Livestock Holdings Survey, National Sample Survey Organisation, New Delhi 7&8 Study done by Nalin Negi and Sujata Ganguly for University of Bielefeld, Germany and Ministry of Tribal Affairs data quoted by India Exclusion Report 2016, Centre for Equity Studies, New Delhi 9,10&11 All India Survey on Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development, New Delhi 12&13 All India Survey on Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development, New Delhi 14&15 National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi 16&17 Bureau of Police Research and Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi 18&19 'Combating Communal Conflicts: Perception of Police Neutrality during Hindu-Muslim Riots in India' by VibhutiNarain Rai, former Inspector-General, Border Security Force (BSF) 20&21 ET Intelligence Group analysis, The Economic Times, Mumbai 22&23 Beacon Research 24&25 Pew Research Centre, Washington DC
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